Sales: Creating a Sale

Creating a Sale

Deanna Larsen

Last Update 4 maanden geleden

Click the new sale button from the BakeSmart home screen.

The top row of the screen shows the categories products have been assigned to. You can select different categories to load that categories sub-categories and any products that have not been added to a sub-category.

Click a product name to add it to a sale.

Once you have added all products to a sale click the PAY button.

On the total sale screen the items on the ticket are listed on the right side of the screen, with applicable tax displayed at the bottom right along with a Grand Total for the ticket.

The available methods of payment are displayed on buttons on the left side of the screen below the number keypad. If the customer is paying the exact amount due, simply touch the chosen payment method to process the payment. If the customer is paying in cash and the amount they tender is more than the amount due, enter the amount into the keypad and then touch “Cash”. BakeSmart will then display the change due to the customer at the bottom right of the Total Sale screen.

If the customer is paying with multiple payment methods, enter the amount they’re paying with the first payment method first. BakeSmart will calculate the remaining balance. Then touch the final payment method to complete the transaction. If a payment was mistakenly entered, depending on security settings, the user may be able to touch the “Void Last Payment” button to undo the payment.

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