Setting Up Wholesale Customers: Setup Standing and Shadow Orders

Setup Standing and Shadow Orders

Deanna Larsen

Last Update 4 bulan yang lalu

Standing Order

A Standing Order is an order that will repeat forever, for a given customer on a given day of the week, until deactivated by user. This article will demonstrate how to set up a Standing Order in BakeSmart.

From the Home Screen, click on the Menu button at the top right of the screen.

In the Menu, click on Lists. This will reveal the Lists Menu.
In the Lists Menu, click on Standing & Shadow Orders. This will take the user to the Standing & Shadow Order List.

Shadow Orders

On the Standing & Shadow Order List, click on the New "+" button. This will create a new Standing or Shadow Order.

To assign a Customer to this Standing Order, click on the "Assign" button. This will present the user with a text search box to find the Customer in the system. If the Customer doesn't exist in BakeSmart yet, click "New Customer".

Once a Customer is selected, enter the Order Details. This includes the Order Type (Standing or Shadow - in this case select Standing) Pickup/Delivery Option, Frequency, Time Required, and Occasion. If a delivery or ship option is selected, details about the Delivery (Address, Charges, and Instructions) will appear on the screen.

Once the Order Details are selected, click on the Items tab.

To add items to the Standing Order, click on the green "Add" button. This will present the user with a dialog they can use to search for products.

Entering text in the search box will filter the product results below. Once a product is selected, it will be added to the Standing Order and its row will turn yellow to denote that it has already been added to the order.

Once all of the desired items have been added to the Standing Order, close the Product search window by clicking on the circled "x" just above and to the right of the search box.

All of the Products are now on the Standing Order, but without any quantities for any day of the week.
Add the quantity for each product for the day of the week it's required by the customer. In this example, this customer will receive 2 of each product on Monday and Wednesday, and 3 of each product on Friday. The customer will not receive an order on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday.

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