Running Production: Simple Production with Manual Inventory Pulls

Simple Production with Manual Inventory Pulls

Deanna Larsen

Last Update 4 maanden geleden

After a Bake Sheet is created and batches have been assigned to bakers, production can be run by clicking on the box icon at the top of the home screen and then clicking Run Production.
The baker will see their assigned batches. Clicking on a batch will give the option to Print the formula for the batch, Pull Inventory, or Complete the batch.
When the baker chooses to pull inventory they will be given the option to select the ingredient they are pulling and then be required to enter the amount of the inventory they are pulling. If a formula ingredient is a formula itself BakeSmart will prompt the baker to pull either items from a completed batch or the individual items that make up the formula to complete the inventory pull.
Once the ingredient pulls have been completed the baker is taken back to the Batch Select screen where they can then complete the batch. When the baker chooses to complete the batch BakeSmart will verify the number of items produced and mark the batch as complete.

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