BSOL(BakeSmart Online): Creating and Updating Sliding Banner

Creating and Updating Sliding Banner

Deanna Larsen

Last Update 9 bulan yang lalu

Updating the sliding banners on your BSOL store is a powerful tool to keep your eCommerce store filled with seasonal offerings, promote specials and increase add-on sales.

To manage and update these sliding banners, you'll need to log into the Admin Portal of your BSOL store. Access the Admin Portal by adding /admin to the end of your BSOL URL.  


From there, you'll be required to enter a username and password. If you don't know your username and password, emails us at [email protected] and we'll give it to you.

Once logged in, click Manage Sliders in the left toolbar. 

From this screen you can create new sliders or edit the existing sliders.

Note: You can have three active running Sliding Banners at any one time, but the admin panel can store inactive banners, giving you the ability to create them for upcoming updates. We recommend updating these as often as weekly to keep your eCommerce store on trend for current seasons and special promotions. 

You'll want to upload a completed image for the banner slider. We recommend designing these banners in a program like Canva. It's a great user-friendly design tool that allows you to create custom sized designs with pictures, logos and text.

To create a new slider, click the Add New button in the top left corner and then upload image

Once the image is uploaded, you can add a button. The button can have customized text (example: Click to Order or Learn More) and then a link inserted, so when a customer clicks the button they will automatically go to the URL you've entered.
Example: Clicking the "Order Your Cookie Now" button will take you to the Chocolate Chip Cookie order screen in your BSOL store.

Finally you'll want to set three of your uploaded banner sliders to active and keep future banners inactive. Creating and loading them in batches is recommended, so you can quickly change the status of the banners to keep your site seasonal and updated.

You change the status under the edit function of each image. 

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