Orders: Creating an Order

Creating an Order

Deanna Larsen

Last Update 4 months ago

There are multiple ways to add an order to BakeSmart. You can either click the New Order button from the home screen or begin the order process by clicking the Create Order button in the POS.

If you have already rung items into the POS and need to convert the sale to an order you can use the Create Order button at any time.

Once you click one of the buttons to create an order BakeSmart will confirm that you want to create the order and the order process will begin.

The first thing you will need to do is add a customer to the ticket. BakeSmart will prompt you to search for an existing customer, create a new customer, or you can hit the cancel button to proceed with the order without the customer information at first.
After adding a customer to the order click on the Pickup/Delivery tab. Choose the Fulfillment type as well as the date and time required.

The Other Info tab will allow you to enter Order Notes, add a gift message, set an entry method, choose from one of your pre-defined occasions, add a PO number, add the source of the business as well as set the order to Pending.

The items tab will show you any items that are already on the order and allow you to add new items using the green plus sign. Clicking the green plus sign goes into the POS where items and custom cakes can be added.
Once all items have been added to the order click the Order Details button to get back to the order information.
Finally the payments tab allows for payments to be taken on the order. An order can have a deposit paid or a full payment or take no payment at all. Depending on your settings BakeSmart may require a deposit. There is also the option to print the order from this screen

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